Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013 career direction

I'm so excited about my new agent! I've partnered with the amazing, well-respected Rubin Pfeffer of East West Literary Agency. It's been about three years since I've been agented and it was time to get back in the agent game. Rubin is committed to helping me take my career in a new direction--YA. That doesn't mean I'm not going to write books for tweens or younger readers if I get the chance and it's the right project.

It does mean that I want to multitask more. I want to work on Canterwood and a second project at the same time. I've been doing that now, but not as much as I could be. Honestly, my bum arm has really been holding me back. I've got to finish FAMOUS and then look into doing surgery before HOME FOR CHRISTMAS is due or after.

Once I have surgery, I'll be able to work SO much more and not be on painkillers that also slow me down a little.

I'm excited for 2013 both professionally and personally. Anyone making a goal list? I started mine a few days ago. I've got separate pages for personal and work. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My photo inspired by Lady Gaga's Body Revolution

Jess Ashley's take on Lady Gaga's Body Revolution 10/17/12

There have been a lot of positive (and some negative) comments in the media recently about Lady Gaga's Body Revolution. In short, the movement is about loving and accepting your body exactly the way it is. Many people are posting their own shots on I wasn't "born this way," but I'm proud of how I now look.

2: titanium rods in my back
12: number of inches long each rod is
4: inches of height I gained after my spinal fusion
6: pints of my blood used during surgery
1: year until full recovery
9: hours in surgery
0: number of scoliosis cases worse than mine that the doctors had seen
13: age I was at the time of surgery
25: age I am now


*Photo credit: Kate Angelella

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dear Teen Me anthology on NetGalley

I'm so excited to have found Dear Teen Me on NetGalley! If you're a member, def check out the book and see what you think! There are letters from over 70 authors including Ellen Hopkins, Carrie Jones, and Sara Zarr. The anthology officially pubs on October 31, 2012. I couldn't be more excited to be part of it. :)

I'll be participating in the DTM Blog Tour and am going to be reading my DTM essay in December. Here are the details:

Jefferson Market Branch of the NYPL
December 5th, 2012

I'll be reading with Melissa de la Cruz, Daphne Grab, and Margaret Stohl, among other authors. Thanks to David Levithan for setting up this Teen Read Night!

Happy Thursday!


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life is . . .

Life is weird

Life is beautiful

Life is love

Life is illness

Life is hope

Life is desire

Life is passion

Life is work

Life is painful

Life is empowering

Life is raw

Life is ever changing

Life is scary

Life is thrilling

Life is laughter

Life is love

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kinda sorta doing NaNo

I LOVE November! The smell of NaNoWriMo is in the air! :)

I'm doing it (kind of) for a couple of weeks with POPULAR then I have to switch to editing. Deadline is 11/30, so I'll be off for Xmas! Well, I've got another project that I want to write and a new paranormal YA that I want to work with. I've put KEPT on the backburner for a tiny bit. Just to give myself a little more space from the project.

I've got news to announce soon that kind of revolves around KEPT. Can't wait to share!

Happy writing. xx

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Super busy getting back into work. POPULAR is due soon and we just got back from the third trip to Mayo. Making a fourth trip in December and I'm continually hoping for good results.

Lots of things went down this week. Choices, possible opportunities, having to make huge decisions, yes or no answers, things maybe happening, things maybe not . . . a whole freaking lot can change in two days.

It's kind of a lot to absorb. Makes the ground feel a little shaky when you thought it was solid. Nothing's happened and nothing will happen tomorrow, but it's definitely something on my mind and the possibility of weighing options or having to make choices is rattling around my brain.

Very vague, I know. But that's how this is--one thing depends on another and so on.

For now, I'm going to try and plant my feet on the ground and not think about/worry/obsess over anything until/when it comes.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Now vs. then

I hope the saying's true about things getting really bad before they get better...because things are REALLY bad right now. It's kind of one of those times where it feels as if things will never change--someone will never feel well again. Laughter won't be rare. You won't be awake until 4am because your body won't let you sleep. Pain won't be present every second. Work won't become something that doesn't transport you to another place but feels as though it's taking you away from a person who needs you. Life won't be at a standstill. Time won't revolve around pills. Bottles of vicodin, morphine, dilaudid, oxy and a zillion other medications won't be permanent fixtures of the bedroom. Doctor visits won't be cried over.


Smiles will be real and more present. Life will still be challenging, but won't feel insurmountable. Going out will be an option. Alcohol will be consumed. Dancing to Top 20 hits will leave you feeling exhausted in the best way. Work will be something that calls to you during the day and keeps you up late into the night. Life will just BE.

After this is over, I swear I'll never complain about anything again. Nothing will ever compare to this.